Its manufactured predominantly by robotics. REP recently discovered a manufacturing issue with a small population of this product, including the bracket (s) on strap safeties. Go to the Rep Fitness ETA page to see when items are expected to restock or follow Rep Stock Alerts with post notifications turn on to see the latest restocks and rumors regarding future inventory. Click on that and you'll be able to see the other package tracking numbers and where they are in transit. They lied abut that too. They just want your money! For information on shipping dates, please visit the listing page for your preorder item. Only one item came in and it is missing parts . Receiving Birthday points isn't counted as activity on the account. I ordered a leg roller , strap safeties, and landmine over a month ago . The 2.5's from REP are around $30 . AmazonAs Amazon notes on their FAQ page, they are currently prioritizing high demand items such as household staples and medical supplies. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out to us. I ordered a pair of gymnastic rings. I was supposed to kick this off at 11am MST and I hate being late, but I've been busy making sure you all can get your goodies from Santa on time. translation missing: en.sections.collection_template.product_count_simple . How long will it take for me to receive the replacement parts? I'm 37 yrs old and started the company with my younger brother back in 2012 in a 1300 sqft garage, now we're in 63,000 sqft with multiple other storage warehouses. The bumper plates that we ordered were exactly as represented. All rights reserved. We will be contacting every customer who purchased strap safeties after the dates specified above. Amazon is sold out, but its third-party sellers have been listing weight products at serious markups.In New York City, things have come to the point in which Yahoo Finance anchor Zack Guzman has been in contact with a man who goes by Bowflex Mike who is selling two adjustable dumbbells for $260. Once it is processed, we cannot cancel the order. WHY WERE POINTS NOT ADDED FOR MY PREVIOUS ORDERS? has been in contact with a man who goes by Bowflex Mike, A post shared by Bill Henniger (@billhenniger), A post shared by Rogue Fitness (@roguefitness), Thailand's 'most beautiful transgender woman' and husband wear $580K in attire at extravagant wedding, Desperate mountain residents trapped by snow beg for help; 'We are coming,' sheriff says, U.S. court won't require FAA to make airplane seat size, spacing rules, Convicted killer Alex Murdaugh's new mugshot revealed after double life sentence, Rebel Wilson says she was banned from Disneyland for 30 days for taking a bathroom selfie. Youll also need to ensure that the equipment is properly disinfected before you use it. Jobs such as ourleadership, finance, engineering, customer service,sales,logistics, marketing, and IT are alllocatedin the USA. Sign up to stay up-to-date on REP product launches, news and inventory. A lot of the adjustable benches sold on Amazon have great prices. However, there are dozens of factories producing these types of equipment, so you rarelyhave any ideaif two companies use the same factory. Bought a Rep Fitness bench. Our power lifters are very pleased with them. What a joke. Or maybe they've made improvements to their logistics. Bring the gym home! For the 2" hole spacing, it will cost you an extra $20. The changes have allowed the company to double its capacity to 300,000 pounds of U.S. steel products in and out the door daily, the company said. 3 - Best REP Fitness Olympic barbell - the Gladiator bar. If you have any additional questions or concerns, please reach out to our Customer Support team at When it comes to dumbbells, REP has three distinct offerings, each of which has pros and cons relative to each other. Bought a Rep Fitness bench. Community, Competitions, Athletes, Tips, Recipes, Deals and more. As their website notes, it will be May before they will be able to refresh their supply of any out of stock items, though anything in stock should ship in 1-2 days. The Rep Omni Rack has to be in the conversation as one of the best options for many home gym owners looking for a premium and versatile rack option. Vote with your dollars when you see behavior likethat andcontact our staff to let us know when you see this happen. Ryan McGrotty, co-owner of Colorado gym equipment retailer Rep Fitness, says hes never seen a rush on his home gym inventory quite like what transpired on Friday, March 13, the day President Trump declared a state of emergency over the COVID-19 pandemic. It goes against our guidelines to offer incentives for reviews. And since social distancing became the norm throughout the country, the American end has been hit just as hard. In Georgia, George Boyd Jr. is the vice president of Goldens Foundry and Machine Company, one of the largest foundries left in the U.S. Goldens makes long-haul truck parts, in addition to commercial items like cast-iron grills, which Boyd says are selling like hot cakes right now. Rep Stock Alerts - Smartest Workout They have competitive prices while also providing incredible value with the products they have available. Since 1957, GQ has inspired men to look sharper and live smarter with its unparalleled coverage of style, culture, and beyond. UPDATE: This piece originally misstated the number of kettlebells that Cumberland Foundry can produce in a single day. We are still waiting for the kettle bells but they are shipping from a third part so no big deal there. Have ordered over 4k worth of items. We here at REP take your safety seriously and we are working diligently to permanently correct this issue. If you need to cancel, please email us at immediately with "CANCEL" in the subject line and we will do our best to accommodate your request. Another thing I forgot to mention is that their customer service is great I bought the FB-5000 when it was sold out, I sent them an email asking when they would be back in stock, and gave me an exact date of when they would be back in stock, but they also gave me an option to pre-order, so I wouldnt have to worry about them being sold out again, all I had to do was give them a call which is what I did. WHY DON'T YOU MANUFACTURE MORE IN THE USA? Find out how we combat fake reviews. You could get a rack, barbell, some bumper plates, and a flat bench from Rep Fitness for the price of Rogues AB-3 Bench. Our goal is to produce the highest quality productswe can at a price that sets us apart as a value leader. Although no injuries have been reported, REP is conducting an immediate recall on this product. Verification can help ensure real people write reviews about real companies. Reply . Happy lifting! HOW DOES YOUR QUALITY COMPARE TO OTHER COMPANIES THAT MARKET MADE IN USA? It didnt happen exactly this way, but it feels like it did: one day we were all hearing about the coronavirus. Boyd hopes the sold-out kettlebell saga will open consumers eyes about the dismal state of manufacturing, amongst many other industries, in the U.S. and around the world. REP's dumbbells are the more expensive of the two when you purchase them in individual pairs, but you'll actually save money if you go for a full set. If you need a smaller rack footprint, you can make the rack smaller with closer crossmembers. Really good quality stuff! REP PR-1100 Power Rack Review - Garage Gym Experiment In addition, we add big pictures, detailed specs, and videos of our products to the site whenever possible so that you can make an informed decision about the gear we carry. This despite a Rep fitness representative on Reddit claiming quality control issues were over. Finally, if you want the absolute best value possible, they are the best middle ground you can get, offering incredible gym equipment similar to Rogue. Placed an order, decided I didnt need less than 48 hours later. One question that foundries have had is what happens when this is all over will some of the U.S. production go back to China? So definitely check them out to see what theyre all about! Were a country that off-shored most of our heavy industry and manufacturing, and now look at what thats caused, he says. Definitely not a good value at all in comparison. Proceed to checkout through the Checkout button. Yesand no. Check us out at HOW DO I CHECK MY ORDER STATUS / TRACKING INFORMATION? That variation in qualityexists in fitness equipmenttoo. Bought a Rep Fitness bench. If our customers are telling us they want the option to have locally made products and are willing to pay a premium for that, we will listenand potentially offer a linecatering to those customers. Basically, you can invest in a power rack from them now to fit your current home gym, and upgrade as you go along. I will order from Rep again. 2 - Best REP Fitness power bar - the Deep Knurl EX bar. They're appealingly simplejust a hunk of iron with a handle, and useful for working out your entire body. Almost a month ago & yet it shows that it is processing. "We literally sold out of all stock completely within the first two weeks of the shutdown", says Alida. Check Out Rep Fitness: this video we are discussing why I chose Rep Fitness over Rogue Fitness for my garage gym equipment. I FORGOT TO USE MY DISCOUNT CODE. For a daily digest of all things CrossFit. At this time, it seems mutually beneficial to make the kettlebells, but its not something were looking to base our business on moving forward., It isnt entirely true that there arent more American foundries capable of melding kettlebells. Cant wait to see more products from them in the future! Please be aware, however, that we can only accept returns or warranty requests for items in our shipping area. Theyve got a smaller foundry and we understood that for a while at least, they had a good thing going with kettlebells., Goldens dumbbell experiment didnt last, and Boyd is hesitant to take on fitness equipment-related projects without a commitment from the companies involved that they wouldnt bolt back to China when the pandemic subsides. Upon receiving your replacement brackets, reattach your straps and get back to benching and squatting!If you have any reason to believe that you purchased one of the products that is being recalled and you are not contacted by us by December 11, 2020, please contact us at , which presents a potential safety hazard. Rogue typically buys internationally-produced kettlebells by the shipping container. However, they are still shipping other items, including large and bulky ones like gym equipment, but delivery time will be delayed, with delivery times for many items stretching into late April or May. We will definitely be returning for more stuff soon.Rep Fitness are our new favorite place :), Information provided by various external sources. Please DM us if you have any questions about your order. I tried calling their customer service, but only to get a reply that please create a new account. Our mission is to provide high value fitness equipment with trust, expertise and innovation. Right now, if you want a kettlebell, your chances rely on a single foundry in Rhode Island, which is churning out between 40 to 50 per day. Table Of Contents 1 PROS 1.1 Incredible Power Rack Configurations 1.2 Constantly Developing New Accessories 1.3 Best Value Benches On The Market Rep Fitness is the real deal and will always be my go-to recommendation for the best value possible. Please allow up to 1 month from now. I have ordered items from them before. Use the dropdown to choose your reward. Why I Chose REP FITNESS over ROGUE FITNESS For My Garage Gym - YouTube Despite this the Repfitness order portal says my order has been delivered but UPS is showing a delay. I'm tapped out and need to prep for our black friday sale next week. They give you the option of free local pick up from there shop. The gym had issues with the durability of those kettlebellstheir two-piece designs had a steel handle that would often come loose, which is disconcerting when youre holding 40 pounds of iron over your head. Rogue would be the best bet . Im sure they do too. Honestly, I don't know if I just got lucky? Kettlebells were a lifeline. Quality is solid and sturdy! Once this order makes it to a nearby distribution terminal, the Freight company will call you to set up a delivery appointment.- Please let us know ASAP if there is another phone number they can use to better contact you, if the one you place on file is not best. Someone will need to be at the delivery address to accept and sign for the shipment.- They will be unable to deliver this shipment if no one is home, so keep that in mind when setting up the appointmenttime/date.- It doesn't have to be you that's there--it can be a neighbor/friend/family member if you are not available--as long assomeone is at the delivery address at the time of delivery. This delivery can only be made Curbside.- They can take the pallet/s up your driveway, if requested (at the discretion of the driver), but due to liability reasons,they cannot take the pallet into your garage/home, or to another part of your property, and are not required to assist with assembly. The delivery will be made on a 60ft truck. We ordered a few of the cheaper olympic bars for our new gym along with some colored bumper plates, wall balls and some kettle bells. Rep FitnessRep Fitness is temporarily suspending orders until April 27 so they can get caught up on their backlog. Bells of SteelAlthough they have suspended in person pick-up, Bells of Steel still offers free shipping across America. If a customer does not meet the spend requirement in the 12-month period after they have entered the club, they will be dropped down. This is awesome as keeping products in stock is something most companies have had issues with in 2020 and beyond. Specs Solid pricing and decent equipment. Picked them over PRX and rouge. Heres one more review that Ive found thats a little longer but shows how Rip Fitness goes above and beyond. Stuff is out of stock, you keep checking in, and signing up for in-stock notifications, and you just cant buy anything for months on end. I bought a couple of pieces from them and it's great, but . If you are stillhaveissues or are missing items, please email us
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