We are therefore Christs ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. In a sense, Christianity is just one religion among many. Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father. Theres no reason to think that getting wet will create a spiritual problemask them what theyre really afraid of. I mean, sure, they can control weather or not they should engage in the sexual act. The Father and Son are mentioned as distinct over 200 times. Anyway, some people arent careful about the command, and assume that God was telling everyone, for all time, to not eat pork. Not some other person than God. There are some large inconsistencies in what youve written, and I would be thrilled to be able to talk with you more about Jesus, the Bible, and the nature of things. I wish no parent had to suffer in this way. Orthodox Christian. The subtle but significant difference between the indwelling and outpouring of the Holy Spirit which can cause confusion as to what is happening at water baptism which now gives us the gift of the Holy Spirit. I was mistreated as a child, and the idea of spending eternity with people who treated me badly doesnt sound like fun at all. God doesnt judge us based on whether weve been more good than bad. Is it because we want things we shouldnt have? I am not baptized yet and im not sure by which name i have to be baptized. After many years of study, I have no doubts about the Bibles reliabilityincluding the parts about miracles. Most Pentecostals believe the Bible's descriptions of a lake of fire, of burning, gnashing of teeth and the "worm that doesn't die" should be interpreted literally and used to warn . Let me reassure you: nobody goes to Hell for a small mistake. They will forgive because they have been forgiven, and they will be gracious to others because God has been gracious to them. Im 16 and I havent been to clear on what I believe in. In John 3:5 Jesus tells Nicodemus, Except a man be born of the WATER AND OF THE SPIRIT, he CANNOT enter into the kingdom of God. This second birth is called the baptism of the Holy Spirit. You can contact me directly if you want to be more personal. The question is whether they can appear as a PARTICULAR human being, like your grandmother. I look forward to fresh updates and will share this website with my Facebook group. What do we believe that happens to unbaptized babies/children - reddit Thats very good. I need answers on how to deal with this. Nov 3, 2010. The Isaiah 14 passage that uses the word is describing the king of Babylon, Nebuchadnezzer II. Oneness folks wont do that, as they dont believe in the Trinity. Me too. Thankyou so much for the encouraging words, and no that wasnt hard to take in, it is kind of true our church pastor even talks about how immature Pentecostals have grown, I will be patient and try reading the new testament. The church is not a denomination, or a religion. Thanks for writing! Music can only be good or bad based on the message it sends. The Damnation of Unbaptized Children and Possible Exceptions Ill be happy to change my mind, retract my articles, and publish new articles that agree with you if you can show me. We should not expect everyone to meet our standards. Sometimes i write letters to god in my personal book, and i really hope that god will accept my prayers.. Then i have a very serious problem because im a teen girl.. I dont like the idea, but its the truth. You may have a hard time thinking of God as loving and caring and perfect, but Jesus didnt. Id be happy to help. Also, what if youre not baptized nor have any religion, but still believe in a higher power, just not part of Christianity or anything specific; does that mean youre going to hell? I love Jesus with all my heart, cause I know how of the burden he took on for me and many other people. The word reconcile is the Greek word katallasso. But one who is more powerful than I will come, the straps of whose sandals I am not worthy to untie. Im kind of old, and have been around the block a few times. The question isnt whether baptism appears there, but what is SAID about baptism. Rev. Let me know what you think about Awesome Christian Music, would you? You seem confused, Roger. Every follower of Jesus should be baptized. Youre writing to tell me Im wrong, but youre not arguing. You can pretend to not be arguing, but its better if you own it. It had nothing to do with the sons good deeds, or good intentionsit was only because the son came home to the father. As this was happening, others heard and were marveled after Peter spoke unto them about the occurence and in Acts 2:37 Now when they heard this they were pricked in their heart, and said unto Peter and the rest of the apostles, Men and brethern, what shall we do.? Is Limbo Closed? (Where Do Unbaptized Babies Go?) It may be that how you handle this situation goes a long way toward your parents being able to see the value in seeking Jesus. Everyone who has not been baptized by Jesus is NOT saved, and will not go to Heaven. Let me know if you have any questions. I have no doubt that dinosaurs roamed the earth millions of years ago. All believers should be baptized in front of their community of faith, but that has never, and will never, save anyone. This is the plan to expand the reign of the kingdom of God. Does Rob Bell distract us from being obedient, or inspire us to be more obedient? Its GOOD that you understand how awesome Jesus is. Im answering carefully to avoid confusion. The best place for that is the Bible. We should not cling to the traditions taught. We should cling to the gospel as it was first handed down, and work to make sure everybody knows the difference. What you describe is actually pretty common. The idea that they might disguise themselves as a person we know has no basis at all. So without holyspirit we cant go heaven correct? This passage would be an incomplete explanation of how one can be saved. Why? This is not a wise position to take. >> I lost my eldest son a while ago and its a huge journey to go through. Please dont make the rich mans mistake and believe that the world needs to see a miracle before theyll believe. I welcome your feedback, of course. Thanks for writing! Can we still find salvation in the end? Ted spent months trying to spread the word on the internet, since he didnt live near Salem. Im very happy to hear that youve taken control with regard to porn and your thoughts. Have you trusted God with your life? I prayed for guidance, and heard nothing and things didnt seem to go well. What do I do as its getting too much to carry? artificial intelligence and data science salary /  greeneville football 2021 schedule / what happens to unbaptized babies; raspberry pi stop autostart program However after looking at scripture im beginning to believe we are in our Graves until Jesus returns and we are the resurrected. Not like being healthy and rich, but like being joyful and satisfied and turning into the person you were created to become. John 1:3 All things were made by Him; Well to get to Heaven, everybody has to do the same thing. The rich man also died and was buried. As always, let me know if Ive created more questions. Clearly and obviously, at least part of Matthew 25 is still in the future. If they needed money, they would even sell Torah scrolls to pay for it! I would suggest that God was as pleased to create dinosaurs as He was to create cows and eagles and salmon and palm trees and snow. The idea is that youre showing them that you believe like they do: that God loves you, and that youve chosen to live the way God wants us to live. He had asked his father to remove the cup from him if it was possible and God refused, Jesus was the only son with whom God was well pleased and he was refused his request. This machine keeps her alive, and runs on electricity. If its not sin that keeps one out of heaven. It seems very unfair that someone who murders or rapes or any other sick crime could be let into Heaven while someone who loved and respected all living things would be tortured for eternity in hell? He grew up, and He had a beard. >> Will God still consider you a Christian. He was a child long desired but not awarded to us We buried him alongside the martyrs with whom he shares the compact of the tomb, In 2 Corinthians 5, this is described as being a new creature. The apostle Paul described this as being adopted by God, and we become His children. Christianity isnt church membership, or simply avoiding sin, or anything other than trusting God and letting Him make you new. Then I came to really understand the fullness of the gospel. In the meantime, God wants to give us joy, and peace, and confidence, and courage. God did that. Many of my friends believe that when we die our spirit leaves our body and is with Jesus. Hi Tony, thank you for your answer. It could be that this is a commitment that the Holy Spirit does not want you to make with this particular congregation. I love my church members who are doing so much in love of Christ and are very sincere. Hell is for those who refuse to submit to Godthat is, its for people who want nothing to do with God. Thats not a bad question. From a biblical perspective, it doesnt matter at all. Lets say theyre right. Its possible with Gods providence (Matt. Would you agree? In the course of my childhood through early teen years I must have made 4 professions and been baptized as many times, but still doubt remained. You can read about it in Matthew 25:31-46. Hes waiting for you. You and I may not meet here, but we will meet there if you belong to God. In 2 Samuel 12 we learn of David's affair with . P.S. Jesus told His disciples you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. All of us also lived among them at one time, gratifying the cravings of our flesh and following its desires and thoughts. Im sorry that I cant give you a better answer today, Marietjie. Our bodies will be transformed at the coming of Jesus. Jesus said in John 3 that no one can see the Kingdom of God unless they are born again. When we accept Gods offer to be our King, we are changed. Would you mind sharing the story about why you wanted to ask it? Nobody really grasps the full meaning of salvation at the beginning, of course. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. It could be that going to another (good) church for a week or two will give you the insight you need to better judge whether this original church is where you belong. Im happy to hear that your son is a good dad, and that youre involved in helping them. Live the gospel. If your response is that you dont believe the Bible, I would have to question your opening statement (#1). At his gate was laid a beggar named Lazarus, covered with sores and longing to eat what fell from the rich mans table. what happens to unbaptized adults when they die I have no way of knowing that. Yeah, you may have never heard that part before. Any local congregation of people can SAY theyre Christian, but Christians are simply all of the people, throughout history, who have been born again. I dont commit adultery any more. You see, the Father is just like Jesus, and Jesus is just like the Father. I have a question for you, Jen. I could testify all day long of things that have happen to me. This is still very much a work in progress for me and I take it day by day, but Im confident that God will help me overcome it, where once I was not confident at all. I invite your comments on my opinions no matter which side you fall on ( agree or disagree). I hope that youll choose to trust God with your life not just a little, but completely. #2. For he says, In the time of my favor I heard you, When we decide to turn our lives over to God and trust Him with the results, we are reconciled. It was a heartbreaking tragedy. I think so. In Pakistan, you may be killed for your faith. For me, this is another red flag. In short, they will be a lot like Jesus. Im a Christian apologist. My friend, if he hadnt of looked to his side. When I go to look up some recent updates about rob bell I see articles and certain websites and even some videos that horribly criticize Rob bell because I guess they consider him a disgrace to the Christian Faith and a false teacher. Anyone can find salvation at any time before they die. It does not matter whether you think this passage is literal or figurative. To go to Heaven, we have to sit. Eating pork I can prevent easilly. I hate sin, and I dislike sin! Infant damnation is the idea that infants who die before being baptized go to Hell, because they inherit original sin which can only be removed by baptism. All true Christians believe that an unbaptized person who has grown up outside a Christian setting, without faith in Christ, must turn to Jesus in repentance and personal faith before being baptized. There were different kinds of baptisms in Judaism. Find some that you can trust and let them know how things are going. Seriously. Lets say they have a really good point. Many saying only salvation enough for going heaven, not beliving holyspirit to go heaven. How, you ask, can a disobedient person go to Heaven? You can email me if you think it will be helpful. 1) Do you think, me moving to my Grandmas, who was always with god, and taught me to pray and talk to God. When someone in the western world decides to become a Christian, they usually have no idea that THAT is exactly what being a disciple of Jesus Christ means not being a suicide bomber, but following what Jesus taught, and being obedient to Him, no matter what. You might want to reread that. Thats not how it works at all. Dont let anyone pressure you into doing something you feel wrong about, Karolina. The only people who will be judged are those who insist that they want nothing to do with Him. Accepting the fact that God is God and we are not, and taking advantage of His invitation to be loved and protected and nurtured and accepted and taught by Him means that we are not alone in this life, and that we will spend eternity in relationship with Him by choice and that will be wonderful. You might not like congregating with certain people in certain places, but thats not the same as not liking church. Dont fall for ideas that seem to make sense of the trinity but contradict what we see in Scripture. With respect, falling in love isnt really a thing. First, it shows that Augustine does not view ignorance as something that makes us culpable at the judgement-which obviously applies to infants. Where Do Babies Go if they Die? Do They Go To Heaven or Hell? Heaven isnt a place you earn the right to live in. Let me know if theres more I can do for you. However: nobody disputes that theyre somewhere. I grew up in a church that was Pentecostal, and have been a leader in different churches, and have seen that those in the Pentecostal movement are sometimes more concerned with feeling spiritual and with having spiritual experiences than they are with knowing and living the gospel. I said is he lying about being a carpenter he said no, but its not his name. Theres no sin that Jesus did not pay for. Keep in mind that listening a lot will often bring you information that you dont need, or that is incorrect. We have no record of believers being re-baptized when they moved to a new community. I do, so I would baptize as we see in Matthew 28: in the names of the three persons who are all one God. It was a public ceremony, where a person expressed their faith to the community, saying that they wanted to be part of the community. Peter, seeing this, said: Surely no one can stand in the way of their being baptized with water. Yes I do agree many still do not agree with each other on what happens to your your spirit when you die, which I accept, we will only know the day we die, that is how I feel. There are no sins that He did not pay the price for, including Israelites eating pork and including sexual sins of every kind. Is it that you dont really know Him ? Their claims are often given a second glance because we cant really understand how three persons can be one God, but its clear that the three are not one another, even though there is only one God. Thats why GodWords is here. I really thought I was a Christian in seventh grade and made that outward declaration, so it isnt necessary to do it again. I can tell God give you a wisdom. The point is that I understand your desire to stay here. You say youve been baptized, which says a bit morebut many are baptized who dont live for Jesus. One is something you choose to do, the other is an involuntary emotional attraction. I love you too. Like the rest, we were by nature deserving of wrath. Pope Benedict, himself a top theologian who before his election in 2005 expressed doubts about limbo, authorized the publication of the document, called "The Hope of Salvation for Infants Who Die. Have a great day! Thats good, right? Now I feel completely lost. Does that mean homosexual behavior is okay with God? Im sorry for the delay in replyingmy mother recently passed away, so Ive been pretty busy. You can also subscribe without commenting. You need other Christians. Pope Pius IX is among the first of the popes to fully address the issue of animals going to heaven, though not favorably. One would presume that they were sent there by the Father, rather than being free to wander about on their own. Talk to God about your situation every day, ask Him to help you live as you should, and let those who see you also see Christ in you. Will god be able to forgive me? The Holy Spirit will do a lot of that on the inside of us, and you should always listen to Him. Heres what Jesus said: For just as the Father raises the dead and gives them life, even so the Son gives life to whom he is pleased to give it. That has nothing to do with reciting a particular prayer, or with being baptized. If so, you are my brother. It is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins. You breathe your last breath. Its frightening for me to imagine that the sameWell.Creator, God, that demolished Sodom and Gomorrah for their glut of sin would allow monsters such as Hitler or Robespierre free entry into Heaven with saints, popes, Jesus. Or do his teachings tend to make readers re-evaluate everything they believe about God? >> Can you baptize yourself So he decided to have Uriah killed and then marry Bathsheba. Go instead to my brothers and tell them, I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God. Hi, Does that make sense? Purgatory is where people atone for their own sinsthe ones they committed before dying, after their last confession (being a Roman Catholic rite). After your explanation it makes more sense. Sometimes, its not obvious. So which is it that happens?. God explained what happens when we die when he spoke to the first man, Adam. She became a Christian and wanted to be baptized, so her church adjusted their normal baptism ceremony to make sure she was able to be publicly baptized without risking her life. God would not make you pay the penalty that Jesus paid for you! Like a lot of people, I didnt have a good relationship with my own father. The more we study to show ourselves approved just as the Lord ask us to, the closer walk we can have with Jesus. Maybe God has you there so youll be ready for better service later. Thats why Jesus said I and the Father are one because they are. This is something that happens to people who are already saved. You can choose to be buried or cremated, and it doesnt appear that God has a preference for either. Imagine if EVERY Christian lived out Matthew 28:19 and taught other would-be Christians this truth as we walked with each other in life. Its important to separate what we know from whats just traditional. In the first century, everybody understood what baptism meant the New Testament events pretty much all happen in Jewish territory. It might seem a little intimidating at first, but sit down and read a little regularly. What have I missed? Whats the difference between going to Heaven and going to Hell? At the moment of death the soul of the lost is sent to hell where it is in conscious torment. And the Word was With God AND Was God. Thats entirely illogical. what happens to unbaptized adults when they die One is that they received the Holy Spirit just as the Jewish Christians had before they were baptized. Reconciling with God is like that. Menu. As for being baptized, Id like to settle your dilemma. Does that make sense? Take a look at, Anyone can get to know God. >> I understand all children go straight into the Lords arms. Should Babies be Baptized? | Christian Reformed Church You say youre Catholic, but thats often a simple statement about which church you attend. But if you could please answer that question for further clarity that would be helpful in my journey in getting closer to the lord. I thought I was a Christian then. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire. The practice of infant baptism has some biblical support. No, of course not. If you do, then you may need a saviour such as Mohamed or Jesus. If you have suffered more than the suffering you have caused and believe yourself to be a good person ( in this case; Righteousness doesnt equal good. Ive got good news for you, Shannon: youre already acceptable to God! However, Paul gave this advice to Timothy: Dont let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity. Of course you dont. This seems weird, but the doctrine is certainly biblical. I cant see into your heart, and I cant see into Gods mind. Forgiveness of sins is not accomplished by getting wet, either. Can homosexuals go to Heaven? Let me ask you: are YOU reconciled to God? Intestacy - who inherits if someone dies without a will? As I said above, Bell raises more questions than he answers. Theres no need for you to be afraid of God. I read and watch different articles and videos on the gospel and each one contradicts the other. Im writing an email to you as well, so you have my contact info. Nobody has suggested that theyre nowhere. Third, HOWEVER. You had to buy their tickets, at their prices, and you had to show up during the hours when they were open or you would remain in the parking lot all by yourself. Im not saying youre only reading one verse but I am saying that there are a bunch of verses that you may not be considering here. There will be plenty of people in Hell who recited prayers without being changed, and plenty who were baptized. #2. These were all commended for their faith. Who was the flesh that dwelt among us.? I know a lot of people dont like to be told what to do. Will I go to heaven if I have committed a lot of sins and havent gotten baptized? Good question. Thats awesome. Why? Its not as if being baptized in the wrong church will hurt youtheyre just witnessing you getting wet. After being left behind in the temple at 12 years old, He told Mary that He had to be in my Fathers house. Jesus doesnt do whatever He wants He only does what the Father tells us to do. my reason for not getting baptized before now was that i was scared of water and this morning at church, i told one of the men that might be the pastor soon that i wanted to get baptized. And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus, in order that in the coming ages he might show the incomparable riches of his grace, expressed in his kindness to us in Christ Jesus. He will be dressed in clothing dipped in blood. Food for thought. Im not sure if i would say he is a false teacher because i dont see him questioning the resurrection of Jesus or the purpose for hom dying on the cross. You may or may not be hearing directly from God. This hasnt happened yet, because were still here. does it really matter if we believe that God is living in three bodies or in one? Clearly, they are not. We cant look around and really say, God is like anything at all. Jesus already told us that no one goes to the father except through me JOHN 14:6 He is the way the truth and the life. The existence of guardian angels as theyre portrayed in popular culture is barely supported in Scripture. The way I understand Scripture, Jesus is the Lamb that takes away the sins of the world. To me, Rob Bell may indeed be a false teacher. This passage is a key one in understanding the distinctive doctrines of Mormonism. So, in our quest to keep learning, we need to listen. You might not fit into that category. He left out a crucial point, right? Church doctrine now states that unbaptized babies can go to heaven instead of getting stuck somewhere between heaven and hell.23 thg 4, 2007 Can you be Catholic without being Baptised? There were many years where I didnt have that confidence as well. Some of the better-known are folks like Stand to Reason, CARM (Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry), Frank Turek, William Lane Craig, Ravi Zacharias, J. Warner Wallace, Tim Keller, and many more. Thanks for letting me vent. I recently found someone that I was comfortable to open up to and he told me he share the same thing and he learned to accept it . We implore you on Christs behalf: Be reconciled to God., Surely no one can stand in the way of their being baptized with water. Ill try to simplify, if possible. The only decision to make here is whether to look for, and live by, the truth. Its your troubles. Unbaptized Infants | EWTN Some by Michael Jackson arent. Sometimes a visitor might happen or a medicine might be due during that sleep. Have you experienced the new birth that Jesus talks about? He then comes to dwell in you and make you new. Thank you. Unless one believes that non-Christians can receive the Spirit, this should settle the issue on whether one must be baptized to be saved. We can read about Gods love for us in the three parables in Luke 15 which, not surprisingly, express that we are valuable and cherished by God. What makes you think theres a Heaven at all? What am i washing off if its not my Sin even though im Human and would Sin again without knowing it, must i be baptized again for every tiny sin i do everytime. So infant baptism offers no relief to those who have lost newborn babies. I believe that God commanded me and directed to one specific group of believers (Church), my focus was mostly on baptism knowing that this is the next step after being saved. Were just not sure it means what we once thought it meant. The Apostle Paul taught with authority, helping people understand the one true gospel and avoid anything that didnt match it. Did you know that JESUS will be judging us? Its simply the place where God is. I belong to Him, and THAT is why Im going to Heaven not because I sin less than I used to, or because I was baptized. Christians are to baptize disciples. Theyre not separate, like you and I are. I have a pretty good idea of what He would say to you. That would mean we could earn our way to Heaven by being good. Dont get me wrong: baptism is important. Thats awesomebut thats not how God judges whether we should get into Heaven. Its my position that Jesus was tempted that is, He was enticed by sin. There was a rich man who was dressed in purple and fine linen and lived in luxury every day.
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