DB Double Block This is a defensive move where two players work together and combine to form a larger block to try to stop the opponents attack. The youth volleyball ball for indoor use is 63 to 65-centimeters or 25 to 26-inches in circumference. CVC Continental Volleyball Conference an intercollegiate mens volleyball conference associated with the NCAAs Division III. Ten-foot line image by Joe Martin from Pixabay. Scorebook Also sometimes simply called the book. This is the official book that scorekeepers use to track the lineup, the score, timeouts, substitutions, and sanctions. AES Advanced Event Systems. Hitter This is a player that attacks the ball in an offensive way, usually on the third contact. This line runs under the net. KILL An attack that results in an immediate point or side out. Dig: Passing a spiked or rapidly hit ball. Learn all about the creation and history of volleyball by reading our article called Who Invented The Game Of Volleyball? Arm Sleeves Protective gear that reduces the impact on the players forearms. This can be a platform pass using the underhand bump with both forearms or two open hands in a volley. The program can be provided one-on-one, in a small group, or within the general physical education setting. Overhand Serve This is serving the ball to begin a rally, using an above the head toss and an overhead strike with one hand. Foot Fault When the server steps on or over the line before finishing the contact with the ball. The name was created by William Morgan. MIDDLE-BACK A defensive system that uses the middle back player to cover deep spikes. Jump Serve When a player uses a jump during their serve. Volleyball Etiquette: 14 Unwritten Rules You Should Know Your rotation position is where you start the play, but once the ball has been sent to the other side, you can get to your base to be ready for the next play. In the years before rally scoring was introduced, this was more emphasized because you were stopping the other team from getting a point. Traditional financial firms endured a brutal introduction in early 2021 to the subreddit r/WallStreetBets, a forum full of mostly-amateur traders who describe themselves as "apes" and "degenerates." Driven as much by a subversive sense of humor and an anti-establishment ethos as by the lure of wealth, the group powered an otherworldly rally in GameStop in January. DG Dig This statistic is credited to the defensive player who makes a playable pass after the opposition executes a hard-driven attack on the ball. Cross-court Cross-court refers to attacking the ball at an angle that goes across the net toward the far sideline. Double Double When a player has earned double-digit stats in two of the positive stats categories. Carry This is a violation in the way that the ball is struck. 6-2 Rotation The strategy of playing with 2 setters on the court at all times who are also strong hitters. If the ball dribbles over, its playable just like any other ball that contacts the net on the way over. Box Score In volleyball, the box score is a format that is used to summarize all the main statistical information that happened in a game. ape synonyms, ape pronunciation, ape translation, English dictionary definition of ape. ASSIST Passing or setting the ball to a teammate who attacks the ball for a kill. The defensive specialist is a player who specializes in passing and digging the volleyball as it is served and attacked by the other team. IBVL Interscholastic Beach Volleyball League A program of the Southern Pacific Volleyball Committee. What Does an Ace in Volleyball Mean? | Flex Active Sports Dive This is the action of getting to the floor in an effort to play the ball. This helps the ball to curve downward so that it doesnt just keep flying out of bounds. Being solitary animals, Apes are symbolic of intuition. FLARE Inside-out path of an outside spiker who hid behind a quick hitter. It prefers to spend time with itself, to remain more mindful of its inner and outer world. What Is An Ace in Volleyball? (A Pro Player Explains) So (K-E)/TA=PCT. 1. slang To become wildly or uncontrollably angry. This is used to confuse defenders and can be very unpredictable if there are windy conditions. Setter 1 becomes a hitter upon rotating into the front row as setter 2 rotates into the back row and becomes the setter. The server stands just outside the end line to serve. BACKCOURT The area from the endline to the attack line. She also covers softball and baseball for NCAA Digital. Great apes, however, are the more famous of the two and include orangutans, gorillas, chimpanzees, and bonobos. Interesting enough, humans are a part of the Hominidae family . Barrel Roll This is a move usually following a dive that brings your momentum to the side. In other words, if the opponent attempts to play the ball and hits it so badly its out of play, thats also an ace. So Assists Assist Errors / Assist Attempts = Assist Percentage. BEACH DIG An open hand receive of the ball, also called a Deep Dish. See more. Press This is interchangeable with Penetrate, a blocker reaches across the net and angles their hands towards the ball to make contact on the other side and force the ball to bounce down on the opposing side. SET The tactical skill in which a ball is directed to a point where a player can spike it into the opponents court. what does ape mean in volleyball. Line Besides describing the lines on the court, the word line is used in expressing the area of the court along the line, especially in reference to the target when hitting. Firstly, it's an homage to Nigo's favorite film, Planet of the Apes. You are allowed a momentary contact with the ball on any part of your body, not a catch and throw. FLOATER A serve which does not spin or rotate and therefore moves in an erratic path. CLOSING THE BLOCK The responsibility of the assisting blocker(s) to join the primary blocker and create an impenetrable block in which a ball cannot fit between the two individual blockers. Under Hand Serve This serve is usually used by beginners until they can master the overhand. Rotation This word has several meanings within volleyball: 1. Sky Ball An underhand serve where the ball is struck incredibly high to make the ball come straight down on the court. DOWN BALL A ball the blockers elect not to attempt to block because it has been set too far from the net or the hitter is not under control. A red card may be given with or without a prior yellow card as a warning; it is up to the officials discretion. DOUBLE HIT Successive hits or contacts by the same player. K% Kill Percentage This is the same statistic as Hitting Percentage (PCT) listed above, but refers to the individual, while PCT may refer to the overall team. Get the top APE abbreviation related to Environment. While volleyball terms can be tough to grasp for new coaches, some of the most difficult to handle are when someone asks you if you're going to run a "5-1 . APE - What does APE stand for? The Free Dictionary To get our students to think critically while they read, we often ask those open-ended, thinking-type questions; questions that don't have a definitive answer and are subject to interpretation. Did we evolve from monkeys? Variations include the floater, the topspin and jump serve. The FIVB (Federation Internationale de Volleyball) is the international governing body of volleyball. HELD BALL A ball that comes to rest during contact resulting in a foul. RA Reception Attempt This statistic is credited to a player when they attempt to receive their opponents serve. Using an overhand swing, the hitter attacks or spikes the ball to try to end the rally with a point for their team. This is a resource for club sports that organizes information on tournaments, events, scores, schedules, and rankings. This can be intentional, when setting attackers, they may have an advantage by playing from an angle that starts outside the boundary of the court. JOV Junior Olympic Volleyball. Apes Together Strong. what does ape mean in volleyball - neurospinekolar.com Angle Angle refers to attacking the ball at an angle that goes across the net toward the far sideline. Assist Errors This is a set that ends in a loss of point due to a ball-handling error. This is often the best option for liberos if they have to set from the front zone. POWER VOLLEYBALL A competitive style of volleyball started by the Japanese. Learn. And secondly, it's a reference to the Japanese idiom 'a bathing ape in lukewarm water', a tongue-in-cheek nod to the overindulgence of the . FOUR SET A set 1 from the sideline, and 1 to 2 above the net. It is also called the attack line or the 3-meter line. Annual Premium Equivalent (APE): An annual premium equivalent (APE) is a common sales measure calculation used by insurance companies in the United Kingdom, where the sales of a given insurance . According to the ApeCoin website and accompanying press materials, ApeCoin is being launched by ApeCoin DAO, a new governing body in which all APE holders are members. This player is designated ahead of time in the line-up to be a purely defensive player. PANCAKE A one-handed defensive technique where the hand is extended and the palm is slid along the floor as the player dives or extension rolls, and timed so that the ball bounces off the back of the hand. The 1st referee is up above in a chair or stand. Learn all about tipping in our article called What is a Tip in Volleyball? Ape (n) - a physical movement of the left stick or "W" key that pushes you into absolutely any team in any scenario without any regard to healing, positioning , teammates, third parties, or ultimates. Using an overhand swing, the spiker hits or spikes the ball to try to end the rally with a point for their team. In fact, you can hit the volleyball with any body part. When the serving team does not score and serve those over to the other team. NCCAA National Christian College Athletics Association. Their job is to set the attacks up for their team, feeding the ball to their attackers to kill. Slang for the art of passing an attacked ball close to the floor. Ape definition: Apes are chimpanzees , gorillas , and other animals in the same family. Server The player who serves the ball to begin the rally. Learn more about the ten-foot line here. NECVL New England Collegiate Volleyball League. This includes the first and second referees, the scorekeeper, and the line judges. Down Ball, is usually called aloud by the defense when it becomes apparent the attacker has no chance of hitting a powerful spike. what does ape mean in volleyball July 3, 2022 moje ime je melek sa prevodom moje ime je melek sa prevodom You have to be careful not to lift or carry the ball when you do only use one. Betteratvolleyball.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, as well as several others. This is useful in communicating assignments or serving intentions. Stuff Block This is when a defender successfully denies the oppositions attack and keeps the ball on their side of the net, making it fall to the ground for a point. The attempt by one team to terminate the play by hitting the ball to the floor on the opponents side. Learn. Double Fault This can be called by the referee when a player from each team causes a fault simultaneously. Go apeshit, as Beyonc and Jay-Z are well aware, is a far . S Setter This is the position on the team where the player specializes in the second contact with the ball. This site is owned and operated by Lacroix Digital LLC. This is an attack that is kept in play and the rally continues. The important thing to . Evolution: Frequently Asked Questions - PBS As a team, you must start each rally in a specific rotation in the game of volleyball, meaning you must stand in the appropriate . JUMP SERVE A serve that is started by the server tossing the ball into the air and jumping into and hitting the ball in its downward motion. Cut Shot This is an attack where the hitter intentionally hits their spike at a very sharp angle to aim at the floor, within 3 or 4 feet from the net. To learn all about improving your hitting, check out our article called 8 Fantastic Volleyball Hitting Drills And 2 Exercises. The captain or the coach will hand the line-up to the down ref (the second referee) who verifies the correct players are on the court before the game begins. Neuro spine Super Speciality Clinic - Above Apollo Pharmacy, Bangarpet Circle, Kolar - Bangarpet Road, Kolar Town. If the back row player steps on or past the 3m line during take-off, the attack is illegal. This can be for a net violation, reaching across and interfering with the opponent being able to make a play on the ball, lifting or carrying the ball, or crossing the centerline. Everything You Need To Know About Volleyball Balls - VolleyCountry The servers position is the When a player jumps above the height of the net and blocks the ball it is? Back Set This is a set that is made to a player behind the setter in the right, front position. A-P-E: Responding to Open-ended Questions - Mr. Mepham's Blog Its more than just the points for each team in each set. Any contact by a player with the ball. what does ape mean in volleyball WallStreetBets is the force behind the GameStop stock rally. This is NOT awarded for simply failing to stop the attack. If the ball touches the opposite team's court, or they can't receive it properly and the server's team earns a point, it's called an ace. Learn more about what a good hitting percentage is here. The name comes from a play off of the name of Badminton. They are attached to a cord that holds on to the boundary lines. The adult indoor volleyball ball is 65 to 67-centimeters or 25.5 to 26.5-inches in circumference. Boom A ball spiked straight down into the sand. Ive also included many of the acronyms for different leagues and national volleyball associations that may be helpful and included some of their links. S Setter This is the position on the team that specializes in making the sets. When adjusted for APE's price at its first trade, shares of AMC were down . What does APE stand for in Environment? Killshot When a defender is struck in the neck or chest area by an attack. Receive This is when you are being served the ball by the other team. ATTACKER Also hitter or spiker. A player who attempts to hit a ball offensively with the purpose of terminating play in his or her teams favor. There is no wrong answer, but the quality of a good . Target In volleyball, a target is a place the passer or setter is imagining that they intend to send the ball. Learn all about back setting here. When the ball does not cross the net or when it is served out of bounds, its a service error. MP Matches played When listed in the box score, this simply tallies the number of matches a player has played in. Commonly referred to as the 10-foot line.. Each country and each region may adopt all of the rules or modify them. KE Kill Error When a kill is attempted, there are only 3 possible outcomes. A Down Ball is hit overhand and driven over the net with topspin while the player remains standing. Pass, set, hit, serve. 5-1: A type of rotation with five hitters and one setter. Free Wukong! Tight When the ball is close (usually to the net). If you're here because you've been wondering, "what the heck is a "5-1" and what does that even mean?" you're in the right place! And during hitting warmup, there's always other players chasing down balls, and returning them to the other side of the net. Transition The switch from defense to offense. RED CARD: A disqualification by the referee. Bracket This is the structure used to line teams up in tournaments. Its an effective way to communicate the overall results of both teams in a very compact way. They should be heavily involved in the blocking defense, combining with the other hitters when possible. I'm Jeff Lacroix. The special dividend is expected to be paid at the close of business on Aug. 19. skull island coordinates; signs you should be a model; grace dent earrings APE Study Guide (Volleyball) Flashcards. USYVL United States Youth Volleyball League This is a league dedicated to promoting youth volleyball throughout the United States for ages 7 to 15 boys and girls. link to 10 Dynamic Volleyball Passing Drills to Improve Your Game, International Veteran Volleyball Association, Master Guide To Liberos In Volleyball: Rules, Rotation, And Tips, his site is for following teams and results, National Christian College Athletics Association, National Federation of State High School Associations, Professional Association of Volleyball Officials, Click here to learn all about how to use power tips, The 8 Parts To Understanding Rotation In Volleyball, 8 Fantastic Volleyball Hitting Drills And 2 Exercises, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/.