thailand agent orange 2021

Take your claims information to a Veterans Service Officer and get advice before filing the claim. I guess they rather spend the money on recounts and political stuff. Every vet who was there deserves aid. Exactly my question? My husband was diagnosed with stage 4 bladder cancer 3 years ago. If not, I dont know where to go from here. while going through a colnoscopy when i was told they (the doctors and my team care givers) had been looking at my thyroid glans and let me know that they have concerns. Harmon said his sense is that once attorneys are involved, claims from veterans who served in Thailand can be settled in as quickly as six months. Pour toulene on rag, wipe up, and repeat. Among them: The Veterans Agent Orange Exposure Equity Act, the Cost of War Act, and others, including the Fairly Assessing Service-related Exposure Residual (FASTER) Presumptions Act, also dubbed the FASTER Act. If these conditions are presumptively associated with exposure to Agent Orange, why does the VA take forever to settle claims? Veterans who served in Thailand have long contended they face a higher bar in winning Veterans Administration (VA) disability benefits claims, having to clearly demonstrate they were exposed to. Centerville resident McHenry died in July 2021 at the age of 74. Steven, if you have not yet, check out Children of Vietnam Veterans Health Alliance on Facebook. Its not a burden shared by veterans who served in Vietnam or in the Navy. Doctors say I have many ailments from AO exposure. I served both in the field and in Saigon. to leave the ship and make his way home to his wife and daughter. Chronic B-Cell Leukemia He (McHenry) was a walking encyclopedia of information, Skinner said. They will help you with your compensation claim. I filed a claim with VA and was turned down. March 3 (UPI) -- The Interior Department said Friday that it was taking new steps to restore the declining American bison population. Prostate Cancer VA is establishing a holistic approach to determining toxic exposure presumption going forward. Respiratory diseases?? I have been dealing with them since 2004 with no result. Planes and Choppers spraying directly over us wile sweeping the area No portable water. Get more resources at HMC, FMF, USMC, USS America [CVA66]. But we filed a claim for our daughter for the Agent Orange. Ive got my fingers crossed. Good luck and God bless you all. I did not receive any cash benefits for coming in contact with agent orange. s truly on the way! Agent Orange in Thailand - Hill & Ponton, P.A. A spokeswoman for the Air Force said neither the author of the AFHRA memo nor anyone else was available for an interview. I too am having issues obtaining benefits for my husband who served in Vietnam. Be well, Bobby. I filed in 1980 at the age of 31 for esophageal cancer due to exposure to Agent Orange. Im not a Veteran either but I was born with the severest form of Spina Bifida. The children of Vietnam are still affected by it. Way to go VA. What about the troops of 7th Division 2 Battalion 31st Infantry 8th Army sent to the DMZ Korea 1967 thru 68? was a really horrible person who even after hearing of the resolution of the multi year court case by USN Veterans who had previously been denied because of only being offshore and not in the country of Vietnam called The Bluewater Sailors Act he Wilke said I am Not Going To Do It as It Will Cost Too Much Money The V.A. 877-222-8387, TDD (Hearing Impaired) VA announced today two major decisions related to presumptive conditions associated with Agent Orange and particulate matter exposures during military service in Southwest Asia., [Editor: Separate issues. This is a real is not just a problem with females that served and were exposed. If yours hasnt at least tried to help you file a claim, tell you county board or whoever hired her or him, you want a better representative. He died of pancreatic cancer in 2010. What about veterans in operation restore democracy who were exposed to shit burning details? Millions are suffering from mental illness, exacerbated by the pandemic. I served in Nam 67 and 68 and was diagnosed with AML leukemia in 2012. I served at KADENA AFB on Okinawa from 1970 until 1972. I have a number of health issues from that have been linked to those exposures, but the health problems are not yet covered even in the presumptive diseases of the water contamination. I assumed that once a person wS 100%, there was no need to further file for illness related to agent orange. Following the passing of the 2021 National Defense Authorization Act, there are now three new conditions on the Agent Orange presumptive list. Were they ever exposed to AO? Catherine, you and other children of vets have to keep filing with related conditions in order for the VA to show a heredity correlation to the disease to base the approval. Im currently receiving a 20% rating for surgeries related to recurring shoulder dislocations while attending cliff assault school, boxing in smokers, and playing various sports for Marine units while stationed in Twenty-Nine Palms and Camp Foster, Okinawa. My dad served the US Airforce in 1952 through unknown date due to his records was burned in the 1973 fire. But for future others, recognition of the connection between esophageal cancer and Agent Orange in Viet Nam is. A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. He deserves something for his suffering and death related to his exposure while in Korea! I have heard that also, and was attached to the SeaBees Public Works, at NAS Agana, June 1974-November 1975so there is a chance we used the damned stuff to spray and had not a clue. At age 59 I had my first rare cancer, thyroid and later a 2nd cancer even rarer Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor in my abdomen. I had 2 children die at full term due to birth defects, I believe to be related to Agent Orange exposure in Vietnam My oldest son has a rare bone issue untreatable, I believe due to Agent Orange! Its on the VAs own list of bases. My husband served three tours in Vietnam and died a horrible death seven years ago of four of the diseases named. I now have Parkinsons, off course VA denied my claim . Thailand veterans harmed by Agent Orange hope Congress will hear them - Congressman David Trone November 01, 2021 Thailand veterans harmed by Agent Orange hope Congress will hear them Credit: Dayton Daily News, Thomas Gnau Vietnam War-era veterans who served in Thailand say they're still fighting. These things added by VA are a joke unless examiners just listen and note. Visit the Kansas Commission on Veterans Affairs Office. The Va clinic says, I dont know what your talking about. My daughter lived for a month & 7 days. I am a Vietnam combat Veteran, 1968, III Corps. This is absolutely the right thing to do for Veterans and their families.. So highly unlikely wed both have it. Very helpful, but was told that the VA routinely denies claims, then you have to prove somehow that your case is a result of AO. My husband was diagnosed with bladder cancer 3 years ago. This can never happen again! Is someone here have the truth? Put in claim many years ago when bladder cancer became presumptive. Why isnt high blood pressure approved as a presumptive under Agent Orange? Im grateful for the be befits our service members now receive as my husband a twenty year retired war veteran does, but these Vietnam Veterans suffered through decades up against the brick wall that was the old VA. We feel your pain, we also got no benefits for a funeral when my father in law died from Agent Orange. A doctor returned my call. ANY INFO or help would be appreciated. A VSO may be able to do something, but dont hold your breath. A lock ( I had a 5 year break in service and decided to go back in as an aviator on C-130s. Thailand Military Bases and Agent Orange Exposure VA presumes (assumes) exposure to Agent Orange for Veterans who served on any U.S. or Royal Thai military base in Thailand from January 9, 1962, through June 30, 1976. He passed in April of 2019 due to complications from his surgery. I asked about skin conditions she laughter and told me only after exposure, I showed he phots by military hospital of neck, she said to late! I was in vietnam Quonlo for 14 months. What a VA. July 2019, President Donald J. Trump issued a directive that those of us who served in the Tonkin Gulf are now considered Blue Water Navy. What about the men who served aboard ships with asbestos Doctor told me heart ( VA has me on meds, surgery in 2002) not in AO conditions. VA and the Department of Defense (DoD) have partnered together to investigate where and when Agent Orange and other tactical herbicides were present, and to update thelist of locations online as new information becomes available. Wednesday, March 10, 2021. secondary diseases you can file a claim for. How many Vietnam Veterans suffer from skin cancer? The Secretary recently concluded the first iteration of a newly formed internal VA process to review scientific evidence to support rulemaking, resulting in the recommendation to consider creation of new presumptions of service connection for respiratory conditions based on VAs evaluation of a National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine report and other evidence. We filed a claim 2 years ago and recently received a denial. Can anyone in the VA administration help me understand why COPD and other respiratory diseases are not covered for exposure to agent orange ? I looked at all your pages of breaking news and it is all the same ,lot of words and no info of the breaking news ,Have been trying since 1996, and not much help ,turned down because it was not on my active duty records ,tried to tell the them that my many disibility,s came after I came down with non Hoginkins lymphoma in 1995 made no difference,they are waiting till some more of us are dead,I have most of those disibility,s they are talking about ,and it is rough to think about sometimes,but we will make it without va ,and probably be better off . My daughter had to have her thyroids removed when she was a young teenager. Be Well, Steve. Some men are so sick they might not be capable of having the clarity of mind to fight for their rights. We need to be filling their mailboxes with our concerns as often as possible. I have an idea of how to get started. I didnt realize I could or should. Thank you for nothing. His last 20 years were torture for him though he fought like a warrior. Welcome to the Ultimate Agent Orange Guide for VA Disability Benefits. But we all must go through gauntlets of crap from poorly trained workers, most who have no idea what TCE and Benzene is, and who used it. The residue that was on them ? I came into contact with Agent Orange when footage was burned off in the northern parts of the island. Was it caused by the water we drank (blue water sailor), the free cigarettes, or a combination of both? The VA is worse than the Post Office. Rob Portman is listed as a co-sponsor of Senate Bill 657, which would modify the presumption of a service connection for veterans who were exposed to herbicides while serving in Thailand. I feel there should be some consideration into this matter due to the suffering of many veterans. I was brown water navy for three or four months and had exposure to ground troops who were barracks on the APD 40 Nueces where I and others had to tear down their bunks when we decommissioned our ship. Advertisement. Never told the area had been coated with AO. from 9/67 to 5/68, we had 2 helicopter Squadrons home Based on our ship. He lost his battle with Cancer September 2002 as his widow what can I do to see if I am eligible for his agent orange benefits? I remember those days. I served three tours from 1967 to 1972, mostly in Thailand. Sen. I dont think anyone in VA cares. Nobody told us? But they were all sprayed.. NJ? Just about everywhere we went looked like the vegetation never existed! My dad fueled planes in Vietnam in 1969 and was exposed daily for a year. March 3 (UPI) -- President Joe Biden on Friday recognized retired Army Col. Paris D. Davis with the Medal of Honor for his gallantry during a firefight in the Vietnam War in which he saved his fellow soldiers despite being injured. And I wanted to try to talk to him, Ellen Spinks. Exposed to AO many times. My husband is 100% disabled due to Agent Orange exposure from Vietnam tour. I was stationed at Camp Jackson near Uijeongbu for 16 months in 67 and 68, and spent some of that time in the DMZ establishing artillery survey control. Its AO, and also particulate matter exposure in SWA.]. This page list resources for Vietnam veterans exposed to agent organce, including certain Blue Water Navy veterans. When will there be an admission that agent orange was stored, transported and frequently sprayed on bases in Okinawa? My husband passed March 2021. Put in more than 4 hours without pure exhaustion and other affects such as shortness of breathe. Funny thing is the chemical being sprayed one could actually see with no problems. I had heart surgery in 1998 to remove the pericardial sac from my heart. They treated us so well in Danville.. Comprehensive testing, detailed conversation and claims approved! 1968-70, then back on Okinawa 1970-72. Now that I am retired I have been diagnosed with asthma, sinusitis and rhinitis. I dont know where to start- and going by all these posts of ppl like myself- its looks pretty bleak for outcomes. Will every case be reopened? I recently had spinal surgery and it has caused my neuropathy to greatly worsen. And still didnt know what all that noise was,,I thought I had to live with it Smfh!! He was assigned to the 14th Engr Combat Battalion attached to the 1st Cav airmobile division. The longer they can lie and deny the more they save. Usually CML effects much older people not the very young. I have lost a kidney to cancer, had stage 3 Lymph cancer treated, skin cancers, and colon cancer treatments. When I applied I was surprised and impressed that a reviewer responded with some questions within days and I provided some more documentation. Senator John Boozman (R-AR) that would eliminate barriers to benefits for veterans exposed to Agent Orange who served in Thailand during the Vietnam War-era as part of a comprehensive package to improve Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) health care and They said in May 2012 they declared 100% disabled with the cancer. If you are in crisis or having thoughts of suicide, Quite the coincidence. I was stationed in Korat Thailand 72-73 and lived outside the west gate which is in the red zone ( cleared by AO ). Is this true? the VA has its own math to figure how disabled you are on each disease. I lived in Okinawa in 1967-68, then was in Navy in Vietnam from Doctors say I have many ailments from AO exposure. We were supposed to die off and father time is working overtime isnt it. The process seems so slanted as if to prevent the possibility that higher-ranking people bear the burden of responsibility. It is beyond horrible. All camp sites were heavily sprayed ,where our tents for our barracks and mess hall were placed. Contact a veterans service organization ASAP. I have one of the birth defects listed other than spinabifida.Is there no hope for compensation for the children of Male Vietnam Vets? Sounds as tho EVERYTHING is denied!! Charles, I too in my later years came down with Parkinson. Saigon was actually worse as there was no garbage collection and large roadside dumps along Plantation road were set on fire periodically. If so get in touch with your local VSO officer and get them to help. So it came as no surprise in around 2015 when the VA decided that it was not going to service-connect disabilities to alleged Agent Orange and tactical herbicide exposures in Thailand without the "blessing" of this mysterious little government unit known as the "JSRRC.". In fact my brother in law had to wait on the ship until well after dark, like a sneak thief, I have read articles where the VA is talking about neuropathy being caused by Agent Orange if you do not have diabetes. thanks Fred Carlberg, Contact the BLUE WATER NAVY ORGANIZATION they have access to ships logs and can confirm if the Kearsarge was in territorial waters at anytime. Maybe Ill still be alive! During the Vietnam War, the U.S. military used Agent Orange and a variety of other "tactical herbicides" to kill vegetation and defoliate trees. This was the only work I ever did under such conditions and now I pay a very high price, no future.

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